190013, Санкт-Петербург,
ул. Рузовская, 16,лит.А пом. 8Н, офис 218
тел.: |
+7 812 640-65-50 |
+7 812 640-65-60 |
+7 812 640-65-70 |
E-mail: |
vtl@vtl.spb.ru |
20 лет на рынке перевозок
проектного негабаритного
Delivery of 2 x WARTSILA diesel generators to Russia
Specialists of the forwarding company VneshTransLogistiks-Project LLC. organized complex delivery of of 2 x Wartisla diesel generators to Russia.
2 x WARTSILA diesel generators with dimensions, each:
6700 x 2400 x 3150 mm., 32,5 tn. each wer delivered "door-to-door" from Italy(WARTSILA Italy Spa) to Baltic Shipyard, St.Petersburg, Russia.
Goods were transported by trucks from Italy to EU Northern Sea port, transshipped into sea vessel and delivered to port SPb, Russia where were transshipped onto trucks and delivered to Consignee - Baltic Shipyard, St.Petersburg, Russia.
Фото "Внештранслогистик"
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