190008, Санкт-Петербург,
ул. Канонерская, 19-21,лит.А пом. 11-Н, офис 1
тел.: +7 812 640-65-50
  +7 812 640-65-70
E-mail: vtl@vtl.spb.ru
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Delivery of 7 tanks/silos from Europe to Russia.

Specialists of the forwarding company VTL-Project LLC. organized complex delivery of 7 tanks/silos from Europe to Russia.

Equipment in amount of 7 tanks/silos with dimensions, each:
24300 x 5500 x 5550 mm. 24 300 kg
were delivered "door-to-door" from Europe to Russia.

Specialists of the forwarding company VTL-Project LLC. organized:
- loading from quay and lashing of goods on the vessel at EU sea port of departure
- sea and river freight from EU to RUS river port
- RUS import customs clearance, including getting in Moscow central customs "classification derision" for RUS Consignee for HS code with RUS import customs Duty 0%
- transhipment at RUS port on special trucks
- delivery by trucks to final destination in Russia
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