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Delivery and customs clearance of 3 x Dump Trucks Terex TA400 from Scotland to Khabarovsk Krai, Russia.

Specialists of the forwarding company VTL-Project LLC. organized complex delivery and customs clearance from Scotland to Khabarovsk Krai, Russia of 3 x Dump Trucks Terex TA400.

3 x Dump Trucks Terex TA400 with following dimensions and weight: each: 11117 х 3360 х 3740 mm. 32,0 tn. were delivered by trucks from production factory of Terex/Volov in Scotland to Sea port, than by sea vessel - to port St.-Petersburg, where specialists of the forwarding company VTL-Project LLC. organized customs clearance of goods in Russia.

After dump trucks were transhipped onto trucks and rail and delivered to Khabarovsk Krai, Russia.

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