190008, Санкт-Петербург,
ул. Канонерская, 19-21,лит.А пом. 11-Н, офис 1
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  +7 812 640-65-70
E-mail: vtl@vtl.spb.ru
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Delivery and customs clearance of Metso Jaw crusher C150 from Finland to Republic of Karelia, Russia.

Specialists of the forwarding company VTL-Project LLC. organized complex delivery and customs clearance from Finland to Republic of Karelia, Russia of Metso Jaw crusher C150.

Metso Jaw crusher C150 with total weight more then 60,0 tn. was delivered by trucks from production factory in Finland to Sea port, than by sea vessel - to port St.-Petersburg, where specialists of the forwarding company VTL-Project LLC. organized customs clearance of goods.
After customs clearance, goods were transhipped onto trucks and delivered to Republic of Karelia, Russia.

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